How pure is your soul?
Passage: 1 Peter 1:22-25
Big Idea: The unceasing love between purified souls who obey the truth is the glorious flower of the imperishable seed, the ever-living word of the Lord Jesus.
1. Purified souls love with an unceasing love
2. Purified souls are born of the imperishable seed
3. Purified souls believe and proclaim the ever-living word
How pure is the air in this Church today?
To find out, let’s roll out our air purifier.
This is an air purifier; it draws normal air around it inside, purifies it and blows out purified air.
It’s hard to tell whether it’s working, right?
To give you assurance that it’s working, there’s an indicator here.
It’s blue now, because the air is fairly clean.
However, if I spray some particles in the air, it turns, orange.
It’s telling me now that the air quality is bad and it needs to purify it!
It works hard to purify the air.
The air is now purified; you can hear the air purifier breathe a sigh of relief!
It’s great to have an air purifier that also tells us whether the air is pure.
Wouldn’t it be great if we can have something to tell us whether our hearts are pure?
Wouldn’t it be great if we have a heart purifier that tells us whether the hearts of the people of our church are pure?
While there’s no machine that checks the purity of our hearts, the Bible says that there is an indicator to see whether we are pure, on the inside.
That’s what we’ll see in today’s passage.
So please open up to 1 Peter chapter 1 beginning from verse 22.
We’ll see three things:
1. Purified souls love with an unceasing love
2. Purified souls are born of the imperishable seed
3. Purified souls believe and proclaim the ever-living word
Before we look into it, let’s pray, “Father, please let your word enter our ears and into our hearts, and from there, let it take hold of our thoughts and flow through our hands and our feet, that Christ may be glorified, Amen.”
1. Purified souls love with an unceasing love
Throughout this letter of 1 Peter, we keep hearing a lot about purity.
As Christians, we have an undefiled and unfading hope.
We’re tested and refined by the trials of fire.
Like gold so pure that you can use it as a mirror, Christians have souls so refined, so purified that God will see Jesus in us after our trials.
We are called to live holy lives, for God is holy.
We are saved and purified by the precious blood of Jesus, to be a people of pure, precious souls.
But what does a person with a pure soul look like? What are the indicators of a pure soul?
Look with me at 1 Peter chapter 1 verse 22, “Since you have purified yourselves by your obedience to the truth, so that you show sincere brotherly love for each other, from a pure heart love one another constantly,”
A purified soul is someone who obeys the truth and shows constant, unceasing love to other people who are also purified.
It was Valentine’s Day on Friday, and it was estimated that 3.8 million Australians spent $535 million on their loved ones, on their Valentine.
Anyone received any flowers?
We see millions around the world celebrating love on Valentine’s Day, spending extravagantly on those they love.
And yet, this extravagant show of love often fades away after one day.
In contrast, those with their souls purified will love constantly, with an unceasing love, that lasts far longer than just one day.
How? A purified soul is one that obeys the truth.
The Bible here is not talking about truth in general, but the truth about Jesus, the truth of the gospel.
A soul is purified when it obeys the truth of the gospel of Jesus.
In the verse prior to this, verse 21, we read that, “Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and gave him glory, so that your faith and hope are in God.”
Faith and hope in Jesus leads to love - the love of God, the love of Jesus, and the love of other Christians.
When you hear and believe the truth of the good news of Jesus, you will be led to a sincere, brotherly love of others who also believe the same thing about Jesus.
True Christian love isn’t superficial or fake; it’s deep and sincere.
Fake love happens when we profess and sing of love in church, but our actions contradict our words.
Fake loves happens if you’re thinking about someone else when I’m talking about fake love.
When you think it’s only other Christians rather than yourself who have fake love, then it might be a sign that you’re not loving that person genuinely.
It’s hypocritical to think about someone else’s lack of love when you don’t have genuine love for your own brothers and sisters.
The Word of God is for you, and not just for other people, and so let’s ask ourselves if we truly love our fellow believers.
If your soul is purified, then you’ll see that love shine through in a pure, unwavering, unceasing love for your brothers and sisters.
It’s a love that never stops, no matter who they are or what they’ve been through.
You love them despite their personality, their baggage, their weaknesses and their challenges.
You love them unconditionally, you love them with a pure and genuine love, because God’s love for you is so pure and genuine.
It’s a fervent love, like a burning fire that never fades.
That’s how those with a pure soul love God’s people.
Sadly, we often fail to show this love to one another, even within our own churches.
I’ve seen churches splitting even within the same culture, and even when they speak the same language.
I’ve seen people complain that there’s no one like them at their church, even though they’re surrounded by people who share their love for Jesus.
I’ve seen people who appear strong belittling those they perceive as weak, even as these seemingly weak people demonstrate remarkable resilience.
What kind of message are we sending to the world if we stop loving our brothers and sisters because they differ in age, culture, or appearance?
Brothers and sisters, don’t just tell me you follow Christ; show me.
Show me that you love your brothers and sisters who aren’t anything like you.
Show me that you have a purified soul, that you believe in the gospel of Jesus, by your unstoppable, constant, unceasing, love for your brothers and sisters.
We may complain about differences in age, culture, or appearance, but the true brotherly love brought about by the gospel transcends these barriers.
It is a love that unites us, not divides us.
We must ask God to forgive us and purify our hearts so that we can love as we ought.
Here’s why we have our checkpoint 3:
We want to think about starting a new fellowship or congregation once a year, in line with our current 9 am service.
We have an intergenerational and multilingual service; it can be a bit messy, but brings people together from all walks of life.
We want to grow congregations and fellowships, but we need to do it in love, constant love.
God forbid that we should start a new service because we don’t love our fellow Christians.
That would be a sign of an impure heart.
May God guide us as a people saved by God, purified by the precious blood of Jesus, that we will never stop loving his people.
So, let’s ask ourselves: What obstacles are in the way of loving the person sitting next to us at church?
A purified soul won’t stop loving when it hits an obstacle.
How does the Lord want you to love that person?
1. Purified souls are born of the imperishable seed
It’s tough to love other Christians the way God wants us to.
The truth is unless we’ve been born again of the word of God, it’s impossible.
Look with me at verses 23 to 24:
because you have been born again—not of perishable seed but of imperishable—through the living and enduring word of God. 24 For All flesh is like grass, and all its glory like a flower of the grass. The grass withers, and the flower falls,
When we first came to our Church, we see this at the back: slabs of old concrete, spread all across the back of the Church.
It wasn’t a pretty sight.
In 2023, our Church applied for a grant to repurpose the back for community use.
We cleared the land, sown grass seeds, watered it and over time, it became the grass field that we know it today.
It’s where we usually have our morning tea.
I love the grass field at the back; it’s beautiful, but it’s fleeting.
One day, it’ll be gone.
One day, we’ll be gone too, for all flesh is like grass.
All our glories will fade away, like the flowers of the grass.
Even Valentine’s Day flowers, vibrant on Friday, but dying by Sunday.
Everything we’re proud of, our looks, our health, our wealth, our influence, our wisdom, and our achievements, will all pass away.
That’s life lived according to the way of the world, according to the way of the flesh.
But there’s another way, God’s way, the imperishable way.
If we are born again of the imperishable seed, we won’t end up like the rest of the world.
To be born of the imperishable seed is to be born again through the living and enduring word of God.
Everyone who is ever born, is born of the perishable seed.
And as glorious we might appear to the world during our life time, we will perish.
However, through Jesus, God has revealed his living and enduring word - the word of the Lord.
If we trust Jesus and obey Jesus, we’ll be born again of the imperishable seed.
We will live a life that doesn’t end with our death.
Those born of the imperishable seed can look forward to an inheritance that is imperishable, kept by God in heaven for us.
What grows from an imperishable seed?
It’s something far more glorious than what the world can ever offer.
Those of us who are born of the imperishable seed will have an unending love for our fellow believers.
The imperishable seed is the living and enduring word of God.
Those who believe the living and enduring word of God, that is, those who believe and trust in Jesus, will blossom into a beautiful and glorious flower.
It’s the flower of pure, unwavering love for God’s people.
It’s more stunning, more radiant, and more glorious than all the world’s glories, because the genuine, unceasing, and fervent love we share for one another is a reflection of the living, glorious Lord Jesus.
That’s why as a Church, we have such a strong focus on the word of God – we want everyone to join good, healthy Growth groups.
And good healthy Growth groups are groups where we read the Bible and challenge one another to obey God’s call to love one another.
Sometimes, you hear that Churches should talk less about the Bible to make us more attractive to the world.
This is something that you hear especially when running youth groups.
We need to be big, and fun, in order to be a youth group so don’t scare them away with the Bible.
However, what you convert someone by, is what you convert them to.
You attract them with fun, and they will stay only for fun.
If it’s not fun for them, they move somewhere else.
The same goes for Churches.
The temptation is to plant a seed that’s perishable, a seed that’s based on the youth leader’s charisma for example, rather than imperishable word of God.
We’re tempted to turn up the rizz that fizzes rather than the word that lasts.
It takes hard work to plant seeds, and it seems slow, but God willing, it will grow into something meaningful and glorious in 10, 100, 10,000 years’ time.
Don’t try to produce genuine love without the imperishable word of God; it won’t work.
Without God’s word, our love for God’s people cannot be genuine.
And so, let God’s word take root in your heart, let it sink in, and let it grow into the beautiful, radiant flower of love for God’s people.
1. Purified souls believe and proclaim the ever-living word
Look with me at the final verse, verse 25, “but the word of the Lord endures forever. And this word is the gospel that was proclaimed to you.”
This message, this gospel about the ever-living word of God, is proclaimed to you.
This message is not just an ideal; it speaks directly to each of us who trust in Jesus.
The living and enduring word of God, is the word of the Lord.
And the Lord is none other than the Lord Jesus.
1 Peter talks about being born again in the imperishable seed that is the word of God; the Lord Jesus says that we must be born again.
Listen to what Jesus says in John 3:3, “Truly I tell you, unless someone is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
1 Peter talks about the unceasing love that follows someone who trust and hopes in Jesus.
Listen to what Jesus tells his disciples in John 13:34-35, ““I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
This is not an impersonal text book that you read about; God has sent his people to preach this gospel personally, to you and to me.
Imagine picking up a monthly companion booklet and going to the sermon notes page.
However, rather than seeing an empty page you see that someone has written to you directly.
I’ve handed a few companion booklet that we have left personally to a few people this morning.
If that’s you, you might want to open up your booklet now.
For example, what do you see in your booklet, Range?
“I hope you’ve been encouraged by today’s sermon, Range”
And Alice, what does yours say?
“Hold on to the living and enduring word of God, Alice”
And finally, Rosie, what does your booklet say? “I pray that you have a pure soul that loves your brothers and sisters from a pure heart, Rosie.”
The Word of God is not a textbook but a love letter from God to us.
God wants you to hear his word, to believe it, to let his word take root in your heart.
It’s by his word that God shows his love to his people through what Jesus did on the cross.
It’s also by his word that God shows his love to his people as they obey his command to love one another truly, fervently, with his love.
We’re born again in Christ, through the imperishable seed of his word to love with his kind of love.
That’s how you will know that you have a purified soul, a purified heart; you will love God’s people.
Will God see the fruit of his love in your life?
My prayer is that our Church will always be a place where people will see the fruit of his love in our lives.
We want always be a place where the love that God’s shown to us in Christ is always proclaimed.
That’s why our brothers and sisters back in 1869 built this Church building.
Around 50 years later, other brothers and sisters built a hall, so that more people can come to Church.
What’s next for our Church?
In God’s gracious timing, we hope to have a new hall in 2027.
We’re not building a new hall, but by God’s grace, our plan is to move into the new School Hall in 2027.
It’s the first hall that the school has had in over 150 years of history.
I’ve been negotiating with the school and the plan is that we’ll be using it on Sunday mornings.
This is our Check point 4: To meet in three meeting spaces for hosting multiple congregations at the same time (church, parish hall, school hall).
God willing, at the beginning of 2027, we’ll have a total capacity of 500 people meeting at the same time across the three different buildings.
Wouldn’t it be good to see families from all different backgrounds come together on Sunday mornings, loving one another with an unstoppable, unceasing love?
Wouldn’t it be great if the focus on that day is not on the numbers, but on the word of the Lord Jesus and how we’ve obeyed it as we love our brothers and sisters as a purified soul, from a purified heart?
We want to have as many opportunities to proclaim the gospel as possible and this is one way that God’s provided for us.
But don’t wait until then. Proclaim God’s message now!
Our Go team has a lot of events and projects throughout this year, so make sure you look out for them.
One way that we are constantly engaging with our community now is through our Mobile Community Pantry, our Easy English class – which happens once a fortnight.
We also reach our community through our weekly KOGWorx, as well as SRE lessons, where we teach the Bible in local schools.
The good news of Jesus is too good for us to keep to ourselves.
Go out and proclaim it!
God want to send me and you to bring his personal message of love to each person in Kogarah and beyond!
How do you know the purity of your soul?
By the genuineness of your love that you show to your brothers and sisters.
A purified soul will love unceasingly; an impure soul’s love is like the grass of the field.
Only those born of the imperishable seed of the Lord Jesus will love God’s people unceasingly.
The unceasing love between souls who obey the truth is the glorious flower of the imperishable seed, the ever-living word of the Lord Jesus.
One of the most beautiful picture I’ve seen of a Church is a service where young Asian teenagers, speaking with older Caucasian couples, sitting together.
It’s glorious to see their love for one another; it’s something not seen in the society and sadly, not in many Churches anymore.
The Asian teenager and the older Caucasian couples share this love for one another because they are born of the imperishable seed of God’s word.
And that seed is in you also, and in the person next to you, if you are called by God to be a follower of Jesus.
Here are three questions for us to think about this week:
1. What’s wrong with only loving the people we like at Church?
2. What would loving fellow purified souls unceasingly look like?
3. Why is obedience to God’s word vital if we want to love one another unceasingly?
The unceasing love between souls who obey the truth is the glorious flower of the imperishable seed, the ever-living word of the Lord Jesus.
May the seed of God’s word grow into a glorious, unceasing love in both your hearts and mine.